Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Update before Doug

So I thought I would post up a quick update before I see Doug this morning. Basically I've been working really hard at the list I posted earlier, pretty much everything on that list has now been done which is awesome. The butterfly scene was the only one not done as I don't have an editable butterfly and don't want to waste time drawing a new one. I would rather use the time to work on other stuff, animating the butterfly isn't very important in comparison to all the many other things I need to do. Other than that though, its gone quite well. I am particularly happy with the inner monster's demise scene. Looks pretty cool now that it has been animated, well, everything looks better that's been animated but this scene in particular, bit of a favourite I think...My meet with Doug is in just under an hour, I hope to God it goes well or else I am in for a nightmare of a week, though its going to be tough regardless I suppose. But to know I am on the right track will at least give me peace of mind. Stay tuned!

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