Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Progress Check Response

The biggest concern that came out of the progress check was the apparent disconnect between the cinematic story and actual game play. Within the story you hear about the dark inner monster character that takes over Franklin but after this, he disappears from the game until the end. In order to fix this problem and get the character which essentially is Franklin's anger more involved with the game I have come up with a way to implement him into the game play itself. Franklin is on a mission to cleanse the negative energy within himself so that he may weaken and ultimately defeat the inner monster and take back control of himself. Therefore I see it only fitting that the inner monster becomes an obstacle in game. I am going to remove the Dark Franklin obstacle from the game, already I didn't see this fitting so it makes sense to swap it out in favour for the inner monster character. Then to get the inner monster in game and really affecting Franklin I plan to take the array in my game engine code currently used to place Dark Franklin obstacles, and use it to lay trigger points throughout the levels. When players then guide Franklin over these triggers, the inner monster character will then show himself a certain distance just ahead of Franklin. If players then hit the inner monster, Franklin's avatar will change to him doing battle with the inner monster as it begins to torment him. While this is going on, with Franklin out of it, going crazy and with all the confusion as his mind is overthrown, I then plan to take this through to the players controls by changing them up. Up will become Down, Down will become Up, Left will become Right and Right will become left. Ultimately this should fix my problem as it will most certainly increase the relationship between the inner monster character, Franklin and really highlight and capture the idea of Franklin being at war with his anger.

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