Thursday, October 28, 2010


OK so the meet with Doug went pretty good. My project is now a video, so the narrative I created for the game will play out from start to finish in what I am hoping will be about 5 mins max, though I am aiming for about 4-4 1/2. I need this amount of time due to the complexity of the story. There's a lot to get across, especially in the back story of where Franklin has come from. I need to allow some time here so that viewers can get a connection to the character.

The artwork/animation is coming along nicely for this which is good. I have been hard at work updating each of my frames as the line work was a bit shoddy previous. As a game this wouldn't have been noticeable but now that the art is the project, its at the fore front so it has to be as good as I can possibly get it.

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