Monday, September 13, 2010

Thoughts on Added Gameplay Element

Talked to both Keaton and David about my ideas with this. Feedback was pretty positive. The general consensus is number 3, the Pacman style is the favourite idea. All 3 of us agree with that.

Feedback From Keaton:

  • I think picking one and doing it well could go a long way.
  • I also think that if you slimed and simplified them down, they could all be included and then you get meta game emerging between the various choices of powerups, their costs and rewards/etc which adds a mega level of depth, but could easily distract.
  • Arguably it could only be pulled off if you spent a good chunk of time .. making them work together harmoniously .. dumb it out to non context and ask yourself do they all simply allow him to go in a straight line? Which your first 3 more or less fit into that category, therefore I don’t think they work differently
  • The 3rd could be interesting; I would argue it could be a pickup in difficult levels, therefore controlling its use, or perhaps a reward for achieving a particular milestone, the one mulligan per 5 levels or w/e.
David was in agreement to that perhaps more than one should be used. I think I will implement the Pacman style first and then if time, I will add in another. Ghost mode could be interesting.

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