Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Plan of Attack

Made a few lists of what I need, what I need to do, when to do it.

Game Make-Up:

- My logo video
- Main menu
- Start Game
- Controls
- Back to main menu
- Back Story Cinematic
- Beginning Cinematic (prior to game play)
- Act 1 Screen
- Level 1
- Cleanse Cinematic
- Act 2 Screen
- Level 2
- Cleanse Cinematic
- Act 3 Screen
- Level 3
- Cleanse Cinematic
- Final Cinematic

Timetable: (Rough)

I will aim to complete the game by October 12th, giving me 3 weeks after this date to produce the documentation and to fix any bugs/add any extra material to the game. This gives me 5 weeks from today, 7th September.

Week 1 - Finish Game Engine, Back Story Cinematic, Artwork.
Week 2 - Beginning Cinematic, Artwork.
Week 3 - Level Design, More artwork if required.
Week 4 - Cleanse movies, Final Cinematic.
Week 5 - Put together.

Artwork Required:

- Menu Screen -> Monsters/Negative Energy?
- Control Screen
- Back Story Cinematic - Approx 15 frames.
- Beginning Cinematic - Approx 12 Frames.
- Act 1 Screen -> Franklin 5 yrs.
- Act 2 Screen -> Franklin 7 yrs.
- Act 3 Screen -> Franklin 10 yrs.
- Levels:
* Lvl 1 Pickups
* Lvl 2 Pickups
* Lvl 3 Pickups
* Lvl 1 Background
* Lvl 2 Background
* Lvl 3 Background
* Lvl 1 Obstacles
* Lvl 2 Obstacles
* Lvl 3 Obstacles
* Franklin Animations (For key movements up, down, left, right)

- Cleanse Movies (Includes: Mental Images, Negative Energy, Positive Energy, Memory Stills)
* Lvl 1
* Lvl 2
* Lvl 3

- Final Cinematic - Yet to be determined. Am thinking of a way to simplify this to avoid running out of time.

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