Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Final Cinematic - Extra?

Thought about an alternate way to end the game. Rather than have the whole cinematic play out all at once, at the point after the inner monster lunges at Franklin and Franklin easily overpowers him, I could have the monster get totally desperate for his survival and do a runner in Franklin's mind. This would then create a final level in which the player would act as Franklin once more and have to avoid all obstacles to catch the inner monster. Then the last part to the cinematic would play out, Franklin would overpower him, dark room changes to white, Franklin wakes up in the real world etc etc. Only problem with this though is time. I'm already pushed for time so making one more level could be a recipe for disaster. So for now, I will leave this as OPTION ONLY. If there is time, I'll go ahead with it, if not, the cinematic will play out as planned previous, no interruptions. Right, back to work!

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