Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Beginning Cinematic - Prior to gameplay start

I hadn't really had this bit written yet so figured I had better get on with that as I will need to be making this cinematic later this week/start of next week and have it completed by next week, preferably mid week.

This is how it goes, I will storyboard this up shortly and post that up to.

- Franklin wakes up in his mind.
- Confused, he looks around. "Where am I?"
- Moving about, "Hello!!! Anybody?!?!", he shouts.
- A transparent figure begins to appear. Franklin stands mezmorized. "....Wha...What's going on!?"...
- The figure materializes. It's.......him?
- "Stay calm Franklin, I am your inner conscience. You want to know where you are, your within your own mind".
- Franklin looks at conscience concerned..."What?!" "Allow me to explain", replies conscience.
-"You have been taken over by your inner monster, a dastardly being created out of the negative energy within you".
- "This negative energy comes from the anger you have felt throughout your years. Instead of dealing with your anger, you suppressed it and now those feelings have spawned the monster who has taken control over your physical self".
- "Fear not though, as I know how you can regain control. You must travel through your mind and cleanse the negative energy that fuels this monster".
- "To expose the negative energy you must identify the reasoning behind your anger you have felt. You must revisit specific memories of your past, each of which had an impact on you". Franklin stares blankly...
- "Good luck Franklin, Go now before all is lost!". A portal is opened beneath him, Franklin falls through.

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