Saturday, August 28, 2010

Quotes of Relevance

“When you are angry, and you suffer, please go
back and inspect very deeply the content, the nature
of your perceptions. If you are capable of removing
the wrong perception, peace and happiness will
be restored in you, and you will be able to
love the other person again.”

The same can be said about life. Many times we get angry because we are too quick to act/judge and don't see things for what they really are. I found some funny examples of this in a series of ads for a mortgage company, you can catch them all in a compilation video here:

“Anger has roots in nonanger elements. It
has roots in the way we live our daily life. If we
take good care of everything in us, without
discrimination, we prevent our negative energies
from dominating. We reduce the strength
of our negative seeds so that they
won’t overwhelm us.”

In my game, Franklin hasn't dealt with his anger and therefore his negative energy has escalated to the point where he can no longer keep it suppressed. He's therefore been overwhelmed by it in the form of his inner monster.

Quotes from:

And from the Bible to:

"Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all transgressions." Proverbs 10:12

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