Sunday, July 18, 2010

Snow Crash Response - Chap 1-12

Well this book has certainly been a surprise. I was a bit unsure at first as to whether I was going to find this book a good read, thankfully its turned out in my favor and I'm quite enjoying it. The idea of delivery people grappling onto cars to get around is pretty cool, though I can't help but wonder why they can't get around in a car like the deliverators. If accessibility on roads/pathways and through entrances etc. are a problem, why not some futuristic moped? Still Y.T's board sounds pretty sick and grappling is a new take on transportation so I'll buy it.

The Metaverse seems an interesting concept as well. It reminds me of the likes of Second Life and Habbo Hotel. Even World of Warcraft in a way, custom avatars, and the meet and greet of other people in a digital world. Though in this case its a form of socialization as opposed to a game like WOW. Interesting to note to is the time this book was written. While these concepts are in full fruition in todays games and online media, back in the early 90's, things were only just developing, especially games. 8-bit to 16-bit to the amazing digitally enhanced games we have today with such realistic graphics.

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