Sunday, July 25, 2010

Concept Two and Three

Concept Two:

An animation that is centered around the benefits of fantasy. Showing that it is a means of teaching children right from wrong in a way that they can relate to - characters.

Concept Three:

Create an interactive piece, a game of sorts that incorporates a set of rules and "PC" restrictions. Examples:
1) Characters cannot perform certain actions even though they are on the control list because they are dubbed unsafe. Example, cart-wheels are unsafe nowadays and if performed in school, children get into trouble.

2) In certain areas, NPC's (Non-Playable Characters) cannot be talked to. Shouldn't talk to strangers.

3) The area in which you may explore will be of restricted access. This is to coincide with what is happening in schools. Strong boundaries are being put in place limiting the area in which children are allowed to play. Is this really necessary? If we are putting children into a safe-box, i.e. a room with padded walls, how are they to cope when they enter the real world?

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