Monday, July 19, 2010

Killing Monsters!

While exploring the topic of Extended Consciousness I couldn't help but think back to my project last year that was based around the state of immersion. Looking back to texts I was reading then, especially Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and his work on "Flow" I looked them up again on the library system and in the process I came across this book "Killing Monsters Why Children Need Fantasy, Super-Heroes, and Make-Believe Violence" by Gerard Jones. After picking it up I found it to be a very interesting read. It brings up the question, what is acceptable for our children? and while many people nowadays would right a lot of the things he mentions in his book off, deeming them too violent or inappropriate, Jones discusses these things in great detail and provides some great stories of real life people (parents, children etc.) he's talked to in order to back up his reasoning as to why they should be accepted, what the benefits are. I believe this to be a great topic for my project and it has definitely got me asking questions, perfect for my essay. In terms of children and play, What is acceptable? What is "PC" these days? Where have we come from and where are we now? Is this a step forward or a step back?

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