Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Chat with Kah

With my topic being based around children and play I thought it only fitting that I have a chat with Kah seeming as his Masters revolved around this. We had a very good chat and he gave me a lot of great resources to have a look at in coming up with an idea for my project. These were:

* Maureen Cox - She deals with Child Psychology and drawings.
* A project called "Fear Not", trying to research this but at the moment I'm having no luck.
* Huizinga - Homo Ludens.
* Robert Cialdini - Influence (deals with social psychology)
* Pinker - "why everything that is bad is actually good for you" - not the exact title but something like it. Researching into this I found he was actually talking about Steven Johnson and his book "Everything Bad is Good For You". Have found this in the library so will have to get it out!

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