Tuesday, November 2, 2010

High Res Imagery

Image One:

Image Two:

Image Three:

Requirements for hand in also include 3 high res images that present our projects. For my 3 I decided to do something a bit better than just taking screen shots of frames. Instead I took certain frames from the project and compiled them together to create 3 interesting images that depict a part of the narrative in my story. I have arranged them sort of in the style of a comic book which fits well with my aesthetic and overall project. The 3 sections of narrative I decided to show are taken 1 from the start, 1 from the middle and 1 from the end. So that I don't go and ruin the story, I have ensured that all the imagery used contains no spoiler but rather offers a sense of mystery and intrigue. I'd like to think the viewer would ask "What is going on here?" to which they can read/watch the story to find out.

Couple more Posters

I wanted to do something a little different so with this one I thought it could be nice to show the contrast of the two sides, happiness and anger. I originally had it with full body shots included of Franklin but I thought this looked to busy so I simplified it to just his head which looks heaps better. Then to add a little something extra I have used a psychology pattern in the background. One of those things where they ask you what do you see. Reasoning for that is because the story revolves around Franklin's mind and dealing with his problems of emotion.

This one I quite like as well. Its a contrast of the two worlds in the story, his dark and light side. On the light side is where he meets his inner conscience and comes to deal with his anger. Then he falls to the lower level to where he comes face to face with his inner monster. This is a depiction of that.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Video Progress and a New Idea

It's been a very busy weekend but the video is now at a stage where I'm pretty happy with it. I may do some more editing on it later but it's going good. I have shown it to some of my peers at uni and they are liking it to. My biggest challenge was sorting out the timing of the video but it seems I have got it pretty well down as everyone who has watched has said the pace is really good so that's a huge relief.

Aaaand to other news, a new idea. I have decided to go ahead with the making of a book to go along with the video. So I'll have a physical edited for book version, then the same story but animated as my video. All my art is vectorized so it shouldn't be too hard to do, I will start on that now and hopefully be done by midday tomorrow so that I can go get it printed with plenty of time to spare. See how it goes.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

First Poster

A very quick post to show my poster, I think it looks pretty cool and the reception its got from friends on Facebook has been pretty favorable to which is all good news!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Rough Cut, Check!

Today has been crazy intense. I have been working on the rough cut of the video. This has been quite the mission for a number of reasons. Obviously all my cinematic sequences were separate in the game so getting these together into 1 timeline hasn't been easy. The main reason for this is because these sequences were there own movie clips which I was adding to the stage. So by simply copying and pasting these frames into 1 timeline, I don't get what I want because the location on the stage doesn't match. So I've had to work around this which I managed to do for most of it but there are a few areas where I've had to reanimate etc but that's OK, it's all part of the job.

So to sum up the day I am now at the stage of a rough cut which is very good news. Over the weekend I will edit this and start thinking of some ideas for my images and poster, the other requirements for hand in.