Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Couple more Posters

I wanted to do something a little different so with this one I thought it could be nice to show the contrast of the two sides, happiness and anger. I originally had it with full body shots included of Franklin but I thought this looked to busy so I simplified it to just his head which looks heaps better. Then to add a little something extra I have used a psychology pattern in the background. One of those things where they ask you what do you see. Reasoning for that is because the story revolves around Franklin's mind and dealing with his problems of emotion.

This one I quite like as well. Its a contrast of the two worlds in the story, his dark and light side. On the light side is where he meets his inner conscience and comes to deal with his anger. Then he falls to the lower level to where he comes face to face with his inner monster. This is a depiction of that.

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