Tuesday, November 2, 2010

High Res Imagery

Image One:

Image Two:

Image Three:

Requirements for hand in also include 3 high res images that present our projects. For my 3 I decided to do something a bit better than just taking screen shots of frames. Instead I took certain frames from the project and compiled them together to create 3 interesting images that depict a part of the narrative in my story. I have arranged them sort of in the style of a comic book which fits well with my aesthetic and overall project. The 3 sections of narrative I decided to show are taken 1 from the start, 1 from the middle and 1 from the end. So that I don't go and ruin the story, I have ensured that all the imagery used contains no spoiler but rather offers a sense of mystery and intrigue. I'd like to think the viewer would ask "What is going on here?" to which they can read/watch the story to find out.

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